I would like to propose a new feature in ArcGIS Pro that allows users to automatically calculate which spatial data (points, lines, polygons) falls within each reference grid directly within a layout.
For example, in regards to the attachment map (Road Map 1) I would like the ability to spatially join the TR Road layer with the grid in the layout.
This would allow me to provide a reference sheet with the map, that would list each road and the grid squares (e.g. A1,B2,E4) each road intersects with. This would make it easier for the user to find where a road lies on the map.
Based on this post https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-pro-questions/append-reference-grid-values-to-point-features-fo... , I believe you can create a grid within the map and then do a spatial join to get the intersections. However, I would like to conduct this spatial join/ spatial query using the grid in the layout. This is because the grid in the layout offers a better end user experience.