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100% should mean actually finished.

02-28-2024 12:27 PM
Status: Needs Clarification
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

This should not be possible:


100% means it's finished. Yet, various tools will be still running for an indefinite amount of time. Don't tell me it's at 100% if it's still running. Please make 100% actually mean what it says.

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Status changed to: Needs Clarification

@MatthewLeonard we will likely need additional details to understand what is happening with the tool's progressor indicator in this case. Do you have attachments that you're appending with the Maintain Attachments environment checked on? That is an initial thought from the team that has reviewed this idea. Let us know here.

For other tools and scenarios where you see this occurring (beyond Append) it is likely we'd need steps/data/specific parameter settings that lead to the scenario of the progressor indicating 100% for an extended amount of time, and those could be looked at as bugs submitted through technical support. 

Thank you


Do you have attachments that you're appending with the Maintain Attachments environment checked on?

No, I was not appending anything that had attachments - that is not something I ever use. I frequently append a whole feature class or selected features to another feature class, and sometimes this happens. It also happens with various other tools/processes - it's certainly not specific to one tool. Sometimes a status bar will sit at 4% for some time, and then suddenly it will be done, for example. They just often don't seem to be reliable indicators of how long some process is actually going to take.

Sorry I don't have more specific examples at the moment. If I ever have the chance to document such a thing, I'll share it.