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1:M join using unregistered tables, query layers, and database views

05-15-2024 11:24 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 2.9.5; Oracle 18c 10.7.1 EGDB:

I have two standalone tables in an EGDB that are not registered with the geodatabase (Create Unregistered Table). The relationship is 1:M.

If I create a join using Add Join, the resulting join will be one-to-first (1:1), not one-to-many. Whereas, if the tables were registered with the geodatabase, then the relationship would be one-to-many.


The docs say the requirements for 1:M joins are:

  • Both tables need ObjectIDs, which they have since the tables were created with the Create Unregistered Table tool.
  • Both tables need to be in the same workspace, which they are.

Could Pro be enhanced to support 1:M joins on unregistered tables, query layers, and database views?