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Points to Parcel Fabric Seeds

12-05-2024 12:01 PM
Regular Contributor

We're trying to devise a way of creating data from scratch in a parcel fabric for complete county realignments in ArcGIS Pro, rather than convert existing datasets into pro that are plagued with massive geometry issues.

Our approach would be to re-cogo all subdivisions and parcels from survey's and legals so as to have the data completely created in the fabric from records.  One obstacle we see to this is when it comes to capturing parcel attribute data from the input parcel polygons as a means of transfering a parcel number (name) from the input dataset to the target in the fabric.

We figured one approach would be to convert input parcel polygons to centroid point features, then buffer the features to polygons, then copy the polygons to the parcel dataset in the fabric and change the IsSeed attribute to Yes.  Then of course, we would either run a build or reconstruct from seeds.  But the buffer circle polygons we tested do not get expanded to the proper polygon geometries as expected when you normally build from seeds.  

So we surmise that our circular polygons coming form the input parcels are not being recognized as seeds.  Is there a way to manipulate those input polygons, so we can simply have the attribute data easily ported over from the pre-fabric parcel geometries to the realigned new geometry in the fabric?

We know one way would to be to do a spatial query.  We also had a spatial attribution tool in desktop that isn't currently compatible with pro.  I wonder why there isn't a simple tool in Pro to spatially capture attributes (in mass, not with long-winded attribute transfer) from one source dataset and migrate the attributes to intersecting features of another dataset, or perhaps we aren't aware of such a tool and need to be shown the way.

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4 Replies
Regular Contributor

I came up with the solution to this.  The strategy would be to load all of the input parcels into the parcel fabric as/is, then shrink to seeds all of the features.  This would pave the way for rebuilding the parcels on the fly with COGO, one subdivision / metes and bounds tract at a time.


Occasional Contributor

Hi Jason, how many parcels will you be converting? We're embarking on the same conversion task and it seems quite daunting. 

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Regular Contributor

Hi Dawn.  I'm not really at liberty to say how many parcels, it was more of a general question as we are an organization who does parcel layout reconfigurations based on remapping parcels from source COGO and we have done this for counties ranging from 15k parcels to around 300k.   We've done this in various platforms, ranging from AutoCAD to ArcMap desktop, and we are trying to map out a path to this high-level task to be done completely in ArcGIS Pro.  Feel free to DM me for more details.  No conversion task is ever daunting to us - some datasets have more parcels than others.  👍🌍

Esri Regular Contributor


In this post, we demonstrate how to use a geoprocessing model to convert CAD data to parcels. 

Creating a parcel seed is simple:

  1. It has to be a polygon
  2. It has to have the field IsSeed = 1
  3. It has to be in the parcel fabric
  4. It has to be surrounded by boundary lines
  5. Only one seed is allowed per loop.
  6. The size and the location of the seed is not important
  7. If those are condo units make sure to use the FloorOrder field to separate seeds and lines per floor.

If you comply with the conditions above you should be able to build or use reconstruct from seeds. 

Another approach to transfer attributes is by using an attribute rule.

Here is an example:

// Attribute Rule Calculation based on Intersect with another featuer class
var FC2Intersect = FeatureSetByName($datastore, 'FeatureClassName', ["Field1"], false);
var IntersectedFeature = First(Intersects(FC2Intersect, Geometry($feature)))
if (!IsEmpty(IntersectedFeature)){
    return IntersectedFeature.Field1;

You can also update multiple fields with one rule. This video shows how to do that.