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Open Parcel in ArcGIS Pro?

01-06-2021 07:47 AM
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Good day,

The previous data model allowed to have "Open Parcels" in ArcMap.
Is there the same concept in the Parcel Fabric in ArcGIS Pro?

We are receiving surveys that are for partial boundary surveys and we were using "open parcel" to manage the measurements for these.

Thank you,

2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Pascal,

the concept of "open parcel" and "Close parcel" is confusing and has been deprecated with the new parcel fabric.

You can add boundary lines as well as connection lines as you see fit for your business requirements.

You can model road centerlines and any survey measurements (tie lines) that do not create a parcel boundary as a type of 'connection line' = they contribute to the network connectivity but do not form parcels.

You can also add boundary lines without creating a parcel polygon. Those lines will appear as topology errors and again you have a choice: either mark those as exceptions or modify your topology rules to meet your business requirements.

You can also contact your savvy distributor @Anonymous User @DaveHorwood 




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Esri Contributor


See also this help topic on how you would modify the lines of existing parcels


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