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Inaccurate result when entering survey metes and bounds using traverse tool

07-18-2022 01:43 PM
New Contributor II

I'm trying draw a parcel polygon using the metes and bounds from a survey and the traverse tool in arcgis pro.  The resulting polygon doesn't even closely conform to the actual boundaries.  The light green polygon shows the true boundary.  The light orange polygon was drawn using the m&b's and the traverse tool.  I've also tried using the grid to ground tool to see if it was an alignment problem but it doesn't appear to be.  Help appreciated.

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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

Your traverse appears to be missing some lines / bearings & distances.  There is a bump out to Solado Creek on the tax map polygon.  That said, it does look like you got the right general shape, but everything is smaller.  Maybe it is not projecting correctly.  I have had issues in the past and havent solved it completely.  My polygons often end up rotated differently, I think mainly when I plot from older legal descriptions from the 1800s. Rotation seems to be my problem though and you seem to have distances that are consistently shorter.  I am following to see if others note some good practices when using that tool.



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New Contributor II

I skipped the "bump" but the base length of it was included in the light orange polygon. 

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Any chance you could provide the legal description itself? We see this a lot, but it's usually a problem with our boundary data, not the traverse. That would be quite the discrepancy based on the screenshot, but I've seen some pretty drastic differences between "mapped parcel" and "recorded description".

As @JustinJohnston notes, older parcels / legal descriptions can be especially problematic. Either the survey was originally done to different standards, or else at some point in the past, data was poorly digitized from CAD or paper maps.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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