For your first question, yes. A quicker way is to use the quadrant shorthand:
- NE
- SE
- SW
- NW
So the bearing S 17-46-37 W can be represented by 17-46-37-3. Note that the Traverse tool (or really anywhere you'd enter a bearing, like in the attribute panel, etc) will look at the last number after a "-" for a quadrant, so if your bearing had no minutes or seconds, you can omit them. The bearing N 45-00-00 W can be entered as 45-4.
In that way, you're just flipping the last digit, so 1 <-> 3, 2 <-> 4.
And yes, those abbreviations sound right. The way plats are written tend to follow a regional standard or convention. For instance, most plats I get do not give chord lengths, and unless otherwise stated, all curves are assumed tangent to the preceding segment, so often there's not even a bearing given on curves.
By the way, check out the "data entry shortcuts" section of the documentation:
You'll find there are many handy ways to enter different values. In the event that I do get a chord bearing, I can enter 17-46-37-1 cb and the tool will know to treat that value differently.
- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS