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Warn user if currently selected record does not match the parcels being edited to avoid bad record assignment to parcels

12-29-2021 10:29 AM
Status: Implemented
Frequent Contributor

I continually find myself making small edits to parcels and then realizing that the currently selected Record in the HUD UI is not the record I wanted the new parcel edits to be assigned to.  Then I have to go back and untangle these records. 

It might be nice to have a warning of some sort if the record in the HUD UI is not in the current map extent (or a configurable distance) in which the parcels you are performing the edit on. Or, simply, if the parcels you are editing do not match the currently selected record, show a quick warning.



Status changed to: In Product Plan
Status changed to: Implemented

With 3.0 a warning notification is displayed as soon as an edit is made in a location that is far from the active record geometry.

That distance can be configured in the Active Record control.

This also features in this video