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Make Gaps and Overlaps able to be turned on/off, exportable and scriptable.

09-27-2022 09:34 AM
Status: In Product Plan
Occasional Contributor III

The gaps and overlaps tool is great but it would be great if it were added to the TOC as a toggle-able layer and/or with the ability to export the graphics to a featureclass.  The main reason to make it toggle-able is that when you are attempting to edit the error, you have to clear the errors in order to see the data that needs editing.  If you run a large area this mean you have to re-run the whole area again -- that can sometimes be time consuming.

It would also be great if there were a geoprocssing tool for these tools so reporting could be automated. 


Status changed to: Under Consideration
Status changed to: In Product Plan

Planned for ArcGIS Pro 3.4