We should be allowed to navigate from a feature in a parcel type to its parent record data. Specially if we are storing information of a record like DirectionFormat which we added as an extra attribute to the record because our records are plans and our plans can be either in Quadrant Bearing or North Azimuth and that information is at the record level. We want to be able to label each lines according to its plan (record) format and units. Since $map and $datastore are not available in the Labeling profile, a $record(guid) should be something readily available from the the parcel types (i.e. $record($feature.CreatedByRecord). The same going down from the record to the children parcel types should also be available. Something like $children(record guid, parcel type) would be great. In our case, $children($feature.GlobalID, "Land") would get you back a FeatureSet of Land. $children( $feature.GlobalID, "Land_Lines"). The implementation is up to you, but being able to move in the relationship parent-child is key.