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Enhancements to the Merge Parcel Points tool

10-19-2023 07:20 AM
Status: Implemented
Occasional Contributor

With the ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric, control is no longer stored separately from regular parcel points.

When we integrate a new survey plan, often the first thing we do (after creating a new record) is import control. Sometimes this is done manually, sometimes this is done via a script in a task. The control points we are importing usually do not sit on the parcel corner they represent. In the ArcMap world, we would link the control point to the parcel point it represents using Match Control Point. In ArcGIS Pro, what we need to do is merge parcel points.

In our case, we typically want to preserve the attributes of the control point but the geometry of the parcel corner point so as not to skew the geometry. This means that this is now a 2-step process. Either:

  • Move the control point (either with the Move tool, or the Edit Verices tool) to snap to the parcel corner it represents
  • Merge points and preserve the control point


  • Copy and Paste Attributes from the Control point to the parcel point it represents
  • Merge points and preserve the original parcel point that now contains the control attributes (we would do this in cases where publication systems are dependent on preserving original features so as not to introduce unnecessary changes in publication).

It would be ideal if the Merge Parcel Points tool offered a way to do this with only 1 step. For example: editors could choose the preserve the geometry from point 1, but the attributes from point 2. This would allow us to tie the new control into the parcel fabric with only 1 tool, instead of using 2 tools. Or, when they preserve the geometry from point 1, provide an option to transfer attributes from point 2 before the points are merged. Any of those enhancements would make this a 1 step process for us.

Also - the Merge Parcel Points tool only displays some of the attributes (for example ObjectID is missing). Currently, this makes it difficult to figure out which point to preserve if we've already copied and pasted attributes from the control point. So, if all point attributes could be included in the Merge Parcel Points window, that would be ideal.


Hi @AmirBar-Maor 

Here at LTSA we also see value in what Susan has suggested for the Merge Parcel Points tool. In our case, it is not necessarily always new points that are being creating into the parcel fabric, but existing points. Take this scenario below, with three points already in the fabric: 


In this case, we want to keep the attributes from 1 and merge all points to 2 (because 2 has the oldest objectid, which is important for our publication system, and because we don't want to distort the current fabric). I see the Merge Parcel Points tool as being the most straightforward way to do this. Would you agree or do you have a different approach? 

Zoomed out view, for context:





Part of my job description is to ask "why?" - please take no offense.
Regardless of how points are created, the scenario in which you want to use the geometry of one point and the attribute of another is legitimate.

If there are more than 2 points, could you please confirm that LTSA does not expect attributes to be merged from more than one point?


Status changed to: In Product Plan

@AmirBar-Maor thanks for outlining the end to end with Edit Vertices vs. Merge Parcel Points. Certainly a workflow to consider depending on which customer and what requirements we are dealing with!



We totally understand your need to ask why - we are always open to thinking of new ways of approaching workflows, especially since we are moving to a new software platform - so we appreciate all the consideration!

The attribute we want to keep is always of the Ground Control Point (which has 20+ fields populated). We would merge this with regular points when:

  • we notice mis-joins from the ArcMap days and see a cluster of points near a GCP that should all be one point
  • an existing parcel corner is surveyed and we receive a new GCP with 20+ attributes pre-populated

So if there are more than 2 points (one point with attributes of a GCP, and other points with no additional attribute), LTSA does not expect attributes to be merged from more than one point.

Thank you!

Status changed to: Implemented

Implemented in ArcGIS Pro 3.3