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Create Record Geometry For Posting Plans

02-15-2024 11:09 AM
Status: In Product Plan
Frequent Contributor

Our organization models posting plans in the ArcGIS Pro parcel fabric. In other jurisdictions, these type of plans may be called Monument plans or Boundaries Act plans - they are plans that encompass surveyed boundaries but do not form a parcel. We are modeling the linework surveyed on these plans as connection lines, with a line type domain so that we can differentiate ties to control vs. surveyed boundaries. 

Many of our posting plans have no parcels at all and the plan consists entirely of surveyed boundaries. This means that we have no geometry associated to the record we create for the posting plan. We think there would be value in buffering the surveyed boundaries to create a record geometry in these cases. Having a geometry associated with these types of plans (records) would create efficiencies for us in downstream workflows. 

For example: selecting features for a least squares adjustment. When selecting features to participate in a Weighted LSA, we ensure records are visible in the map display and we apply the 'automatically select related features' in the Record properties. This makes it easy for us to ensure all features related to the plans we want to participate in the LSA are selected. Currently, this is trickier with posting plans, because we have no record geometry to rely on, so after making our primary selection, there is still some fiddling around with the selection we have to do. If there was a record geometry for posting plan lines, it would streamline our selection ability. 

Another benefit to having record geometry for posting plans would be the ability to zoom to extent of the posting plan record easier. 

It would be great if this could be considered for future releases of the parcel fabric. 


Status changed to: Needs Clarification


We create and update the record geometry when the editor performs operations like Build, Merge, Clip, Divide, and Split.

This guarantees good performance as you wouldn't want the record geometry after every edit of a feature controlled by the parcel fabric.

Do use the Build command after entering a posting plan?



@AmirBar-Maor - yes, they use the Build command after entering a posting plan so that the required parcel points are created. 

Status changed to: In Product Plan