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Change Versions table view

11-03-2023 08:52 AM
Status: Open
Regular Contributor


I do not believe this suggestion has been submitted yet.  Please let me know if it has and I will Kudos that idea.

In our workflow.   When any of our editors are done with their versions and ready for it to be reconciled/posted, they add a DS to the beginning of their version names.    This makes it easy to see all versions ready for the administrator to finish.    With Version Manager, you can easily see and sort on the name of versions (see below).

current Manage Versions  view.JPG

However, when switching to a version using the Change Versions (Right click on version name in the TOC), you get the following window (see below) to choose the version you want to change to.   This window is not as easy to see/sort on by version names because the Owner name & Version name are combined with the Owner name in front.      

current Change Versions view.JPG

I realize that I can Filter by Owner is not very efficient, as the administrator would then have to go through each editor.   and adding the Filter by Name, searching for DS brings up versions that include the ds in the name like FranklinWoodsSub3AB (see below).   This is a lot of steps, when we would like to just see all the version names sorted like in Manage Versions.     Can we please get Change Versions to have the version name separated from the owner name?

Thank you, Cathy
