Currently, when I click Build Active, if the Show Only Active display filter is on, it gets toggled off.
Usually, this is okay. Building the active record is often the last thing I do. But on occasion, I will build my active record partway through the process, like when I'm working on a longer or more complex procedure like a subdivision. I do this because I prefer to use certain workflows and tools against parcel polygons as opposed to seeds.
When I do a "partway through" build, I don't want to turn off Show Only Active. Yes, I can just click it on again, and I do. But it takes a few seconds for Pro to "switch gears" every time it's toggled. Also, if I forget to hide my Create Features pane, that can add a bunch of unnecessary waiting while the UI hangs. (Related post)
I don't want the default behavior to change, and I think that being prompted every time could get annoying. But perhaps there could be something at the project / application settings level, a box you could check for disable Show Only Active when building active record.
Bonus points if the setting could be set to "on", "off", and "prompt on build"! Because maybe getting that prompt would be less annoying than navigating to my application settings when I want to change it. Giving the end user more options in Settings is always a good thing, I say.