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Zoom in limit destroys usefulness of maps

03-14-2011 12:34 AM
New Contributor II
Unlike previous maps I've made, the newer saved maps don't allow me to zoom in close enough to see small parcels and imagery details.  This zoom in limitation destroys most of the usefulness of these maps platform for me and the staff I support.  Can someone remedy this situation?
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18 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Nothing has changed in this area, so it should be working as it did before. Are you using a different basemap? Each basemap has its own scale range. Can you share your map publicly and tell us exactly what you are doing so we can try to reproduce the problem?


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New Contributor II
Hi Mike,

Sure, my old map, TNC Hawaii - Test 2 (made Jan 27, 2011), allows zooming in to 100 ft on the scalebar (  This allows me to see detail in the World Imagery layer, when I turn that on. 

My new map, TNC Hawaii - Test 3 (made March 8, 2011), does not allow zooming in closer than 0.3 mi on the scalebar, even if I change the basemap (  This is too far away to see detail no the World Imagery layer.  Can you tell me what I change in order to zoom in?

Both are publicly shared,
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
It looks like the old service is a dynamic service. There are no limits on zoom level for dynamic map services. The new service appears to be a tiled map service and on these there are limits based on the tiling scheme. That is my guess why you are being limited--not because of viewers.
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Esri Notable Contributor
The visible display range of a map is determined by the basemap. In one map, you are using the USA Topo basemap. In the other, you are using the World Topo basemap. The USA Topo is cached to 16 levels of detail and has a maximum scale of 1:18055. The World Topo map is cached to 20 levels of detail and has a maximum scale of 1:1128. This is why with the map that uses the World Topo, you can zoom in more.

While you can change the basemap in your "TNCHawaii test 3" map, there is currently a bug that the zoom slider doesn't change in the map, so it will still reflect the visible scale range of the USA Topo basemap even though you change it to the World Topo basemap. So, you will need to recreate your map, starting with the World Topo basemap.


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New Contributor II
Thanks for the good explanation, Mike & Ray.  I will use the workaround you suggest, Mike.  Since USA topo maps is a really useful layer, I figured out that there a way to add it as a layer instead of a basemap, which allows me to zoom past it that layer's max level of detail and still see the other layers that I have turned on.  Yay!

When you zoom in beyond that max level for the USA_Topographic_Map layer or baseline, I wish that it would display a blurry image of their max level of detail, instead of turning the layer completely off and showing the message "map data not yet available".  It's very useful to have even a blurry image of that max level of detail for our project planning.  If this is not the right venue to ask, who can I request that from?  Thanks!
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Occasional Contributor II
  If this is not the right venue to ask, who can I request that from?  Thanks!
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Esri Notable Contributor
The workaround is what I described in the earlier post. Essentially, he needed to use the world topo basemap that has a higher level of detail.


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New Contributor II
The workaround my coworker Jon Fisher helped me figure out was to publish my own custom empty basemap in ArcGIS Server with 1:100, 1:250, and 1:500 zoom levels in addition to all the other standard arcgis zoom levels.  Then I pointed my map to that basemap.  Hope this helps you!

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New Contributor III

I was just wondering if the bug about the zoom slider not changing still existed or if there was a work around for it. I'm using a personal account and created a map using the grey basemap, now I want to change the basemap to Esri imagery or something that will allow me to zoom in closer. Can this be done without having the re-create the entire map? If I need to re-make the map what basemap has the most zoom levels?

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