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WMS layers show in Mapviewer Classic, but not in the new Mapviewer

10-31-2024 11:51 PM
Occasional Contributor

Dear AGOL community,

I have created maps that include WMS layers. They do show in the classic mapviewer, but not in the new mapviewer. Also, I included them in a storymap that I made years ago with the classic storymap template, but they do not show when I add the map to a storymap with the new storymap builder. 

See layer 25A to 25K in:

Regards, Tim Favier

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7 Replies
Esri Contributor

Is the same behaviour occurring within ArcGIS Experience Builder or ArcGIS Instant Apps?

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Occasional Contributor

Yes, I cannot see the WMS layers when I make an Experience or Instant app. The other layers are visible though. 



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Esri Contributor

Do you still have access to the WMS? Can you add the WMS again to see if it still exhibits the same behaviour?

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Occasional Contributor

I just added the WMS again in the Map Viewer. It does show in the Map Viewer Classic, but not in the new Map Viewer

Regards, Tim


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Esri Contributor

I would suggest getting in touch with your local Esri Distributor, they can investigate this further for you

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Esri Contributor

Seems to me that if it works in Map Viewer Classic and not in Map Viewer, it could be a JavaScript version issue - 3.x vs 4.x

If so, I would expect that it would work in Web App Builder and not Experience Builder

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Occasional Contributor

I contacted the organisation who published the WMS, and they fixed the issue. Now I can load the WMS layers. See 

Thank you for your replies!

Regards, Tim

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