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Using GANTT Diagram with tierce API/Arcade/whatever ?

07-10-2024 07:15 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hi guys,


I want to integrate a chart (like gantt chart) to visualize for one company (corporation) the open and closed date of all of his establishment (physical structure) like this : 


In green you have the current opened establishments, and in red the closed establishments. So with this representation you can see the company comportment by the time (how much establishment he’s opened, how much was closed, during which time ?, etc).


I'm working on experience builder, but the Chart widget can't do anything like that.


So I want to know if I can exploit Arcade with the pop-up to make a graph like the screen above ? maybe using an api chart ( ?) or anything else ?

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3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

I've messed around with Data Expressions in Dashboards to try and get a Gantt chart, or at least something like it. I posted about it here:

It's probably the best you can do within the Esri-verse, but you could also create the chart elsewhere and just use the embed widget, too. Mermaid.js works great for Gantt charts, and I believe you can embed the chart if you have it saved there.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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hi @jcarlson thanks for your answer


Dashboards seems to be good but limited for my using.

My application is an Experience Builder so Dashboard is not the best way because it's not very dynamic on an experience builder.


And another point that I forgot in my post : I filter the dataset so see only head of office establishment, and I want, company by company, made a chart that recover all other lines in my dataset of the secondary establishments that belonging of the head of office establishment. All of this in the representation type that i share in my screenshot opening post.


Maybe a dream ? 


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Frequent Contributor

Hi @jcarlson with the last thread where you helped me yesterday :

we have succeeded to retrieve the data with the same ID than the point that I clicking on. 

Do you think it is possible by this way to apply the same process to retrieve creation date of societies and to insert theses dates found in a chart to make what I  want in my opening post possible ?

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