I will confess that the most arcade I have ever used has been extremely simple. I currently have written a VBScript in ArcMap that will increase the font size and make it bold based on an if statement. I have tried several attempts to replicate this in Arcade, with no success.
Function FindLabel ( [GIS_ID_coded], [Pole_Inspection_status] )
dim a
a= [GIS_ID_coded]
if [Pole_Inspection_status] = "No" then
a= "<BOL><FNT size = '12'>" & a & "</FNT></BOL>"
end if
FindLabel = a
I haven't waded through all the arcade function references but have not been able to find any documentation on how to change font size and bold option. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would greatly appreciated!
With Arcade you can do something like this:
If (Left($feature.STATE_NAME, 1) == "W")
return "<CLR red = '255'>" + $feature.STATE_NAME + "</CLR>";
return $feature.STATE_NAME
The formatting is documented here https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/help/mapping/text/text-formatting-tags.htm#ESRI_SECTION1_015D6B880...
Thanks for the link to the documentation. I used that in combination with the above code and was able to use the expression below to get what I needed. Thought I would post this in case anyone else had this kind of issue
IIf($feature["Pole_Inspection_status"]==0,"<BOL><FNT size = '12'>" + $feature["GIS_ID_coded"] + "</FNT></BOL>",$feature["GIS_ID_coded"]);