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US soil map unit layer obtained from living atlas not displaying at desired scale

06-08-2022 09:10 AM
Labels (2)
New Contributor

I grabbed US soil map unit layer from living atlas and am trying to clip the data for a particular state boundary. The intersection results in an empty output. The soil layer doesn't load beyond 1:250,000 scale and I couldn't even visualize the layer at the county level. I understand the soil layer is huge as it spans across whole US.

Is there any way to overcome this problem? Appreciate your thoughts on this!



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Regular Contributor

The most current SSURGO data is available at Web Soil Survey. The data can be downloaded by Area of Interest (AOI) or by county. SSURGO data is also available for download as file geodatabases in CONUS or by State. The file geodatabases are created after Web Soil Survey updates in October of every year. There is gSSURGO and gNATSGO. The file geodatabases contain raster, feature classes, and attribute tables.

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