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Uploading a csv file for dashboard

11-16-2020 06:33 AM
New Contributor

When I upload a csv file, I am not getting the option to create a hosted table. Any ideas as to what might be wrong with the csv file?

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3 Replies
Esri Community Manager

Hi Guy, Where are you uploading a csv file to and creating a host table?

Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
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New Contributor

Thanks, Michelle, I'm seeking to add to My content in

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Esri Community Manager

Hi Guy, I  want to direct your question to the correct team, since this feedback board is specific to using, navigating the community. Can you tell me what product you are using and I can move your post to a place where more people will see it and hopefully can help. 


Michelle Mathias
Manager, Community Experience & Programs
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