I have a feature service in ArcGIS Online with a polygon parcel layer and an inspection table. The parcel is the parent layer and it is related to a water service inspection. The end goal I am looking to have is that once an in inspection form is completed, it updates a field (Status) in the parcel layer that I can use to symbolize whether the inspection is complete for that parcel.
I have seem varying posts about whether this is possible or not in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer. It seems like a simple task but I haven't been able to get it to work using Arcade in Web Map Viewer Forms
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This is not possible using arcade in smart forms since the trigger for the action (submitting an inspection record) is in a different layer than where the actual calculation needs to happen (the parcel layer).
This is possible by setting up a scheduled python Notebook that would update your parcel layer every so often with the most recent inspection record. Some other people have posted similar questions and there are several posts that can give you a starting point:
Re: How to update a feature layer from related tab... - Esri Community
Easy How-To: Symbology Using Related Records - Esri Community
Easy How-To: Symbology Using Related Records - Esri Community
This is not possible using arcade in smart forms since the trigger for the action (submitting an inspection record) is in a different layer than where the actual calculation needs to happen (the parcel layer).
This is possible by setting up a scheduled python Notebook that would update your parcel layer every so often with the most recent inspection record. Some other people have posted similar questions and there are several posts that can give you a starting point:
Re: How to update a feature layer from related tab... - Esri Community
Easy How-To: Symbology Using Related Records - Esri Community
Easy How-To: Symbology Using Related Records - Esri Community
Yep, it is true that editing the feature triggers the calculated expression.
Are the inspection forms being completed in Map Viewer?
Hi @EmilyGeo ,
The inspections are mostly completed using Esri Field Maps but I have also set up the web app builder to edit/add inspections on a desktop if needed.
This seems like a super simple functionality that should be made available. Any idea if this is on the horizon for AGOL and Arcade? Glad to hear there is some sort of a workaround with Python but it seems like a lot of additional work for this request.
it sounds like a good one for the ArcGIS Ideas board 😊