I am trying to create a Map in Northern CA -- something that will show me all the cities above highway 92 that is the cut off line , can anyone help? this places is very confusing..
Do you mean like selecting manually (quickest) those highways that are above your threshold line then saving those to a new layer for display?
Right, basically I need to city names in CA above that line (Using the highway 92 as a territory mark)
Hi Pinar,
ArcGIS Online does not allow for "selecting by location" (at least, not very easily). This will likely be something that will need to be done on the desktop side and then published to the web (for the easier and faster approach). Do you have GIS feature class or shapefile that has the city boundaries already? Or are you wanting just points for the cities (as opposed to polygons)?
ahhh I woud have assumed arcmap was available for such operations, hence my suggestion of using the mouse and just selection them by rectangles, saves spatial queries.
I just want a list of cities between these boundaries, does it make sense?
and Adrien's suggestion was that would probably have to be done in ArcMap and then published to the web so it could be used in ArcGIS Online. Do you have ArcMap available? If so, you can create the layer you need there
No i do not have that, so this is harder than I thought I guess I will look for some different solution. Thank you for your suggestions Dan!
Are you referring to Hwy 92 in the Bay Area (and I assume California too)? There are a ton of cities in that northern half of California. It would take a very huge map to be able to show all of those legibly. If you utilize ArcGIS Online, you might just want to use a Basemap so you can interactively zoom in and out to see cities and location. Do you have city data for California cities? If so, this would be a different situation.
Thinking of this more, if you do not have data, you can go to CalTrans website and download their cities in a shapefile. Then you could just manually filter the cities by name that are North of Hwy 92 (this is likely your best bet with the situation you are in).
click on the link above and scroll down to Cities2015.zip link.