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Trouble with Graduated Colors / Symbology with Decimal Values

09-13-2022 03:53 PM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

I am trying to set the symbology for a point layer that will basically be graduated colors with manual breaks, there will be about half a dozen classes.


The data ranges in values from 0 -> ~500, the breaks will be along the lines of: 

  • 0
  • < 0.001
  • < 0.01
  • < 0.1
  • < 1
  • < 10
  • >= 10

It appears that the only way to set the values for the breaks is in the chart area (included at bottom) - with so many values being less than 1 it's impossible to click on a specific one to check / correct values if needed because they are clumped together and there is no way to zoom in or cycle through which one is selected.

It also seems to not be able to handle small numbers - it looks like values with more than 1 or 2 decimal places get rounded.


Am I missing an easier way to customize this symbology? And is there a way to have breaks with very small numbers/decimals particularly in a dataset that also has (relatively) much larger numbers as well?




3 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

try log normalize


... sort of retired...
0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor

I don't see that option - this is in ArcGIS Online, not Pro. It seems like the symbology options are way more simplified here and I'm not seeing a way to be able to set symbology the way I would in Pro.



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Occasional Contributor

Did you ever find a solution to this? I am having the same problem. I need to classify my data with two decimal places but these get auto-rounded to the next whole number.

Field in question is a double with 6 decimal precision.