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Survey123 hosted feature layer not syncing with ArcGIS Online Map?

09-29-2022 01:51 PM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

I used Survey123 Connect to publish a survey form and then linked that to my ArcGIS Online map, which automatically created a hosted feature layer for me from that form (labeled "Layer - fieldworker"). "Layer - fieldworker" has data in it (two test points) which show up in the data table in Survey123. However, I get an "Error - There was an error" message when I attempt to add the "Layer - fieldworker" to the ArcGIS Online map, and none of the spatial data shows up in my map. "Layer - fieldworker" shows up in the Contents tab of ArcOnline but not in the Legend. 


Any ideas here?



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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor


  • I am guessing this happens to you when using the Classic Map Viewer. If you use the Map Viewer, you should be able to see the table.  If I am not mistaken, there is a BUG logged for this in the Classic Map Viewer.
  • What happens here is that the Field_Worker view has query capabilities disabled and that is something that the Classic Map Viewer takes very literally, even if you are the owner of the layer.


  • In theory, as the owner of the survey, this should not affect you, but if you are creating a web map for others, it will affect them. 
  • If you want to create a web map or dashboard on top of your survey layer, ideally you will want to create a new view. In this way, you can adjust the scope of sharing data sharing and editing privileges better controlled.  Generally speaking, you should not be using the field_worker or stakeholder views to feed other web apps or dashboards.

Hope this makes sense

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