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Survey123 hosted feature layer editor tracking setting not available

10-09-2023 02:27 PM
New Contributor

Hello, I have a hosted feature layer in my enterprise portal that was created with Survey123.  My ultimate goal is to display photos in a dashboard details pane only for features to which an attachment was added.  In doing some research on here, I have found that I can do this by calculating a field to count the attachments using the Arcade Count(Attachments($feature)) function and then filtering the details pane by this field (because you can only filter based on value fields).  However, when I try to calculate the field, I only have the option to use SQL; Arcade is not available because "the layer has Sync enabled or does not have Editing enabled."  As far as I can tell, I do not have sync enabled and editing is indeed enabled on the hosted feature layer and all associated views.  After some digging, I suspect the problem is that editor tracking is enabled, as I can see in this screenshot from the Settings tab for the associated hosted view of the feature layer:


However, when I look at the Settings for the hosted feature layer from which the view was created per the requirement above, I don't even have the option to configure editor tracking:

feature layer.PNG


My question is:  where is the editor tracking configuration for this hosted feature layer hiding if not in the Settings tab?  

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