Have you ever found a solution to the "Valid service credentials not fully specified" message that you were receiving? I attempted to add a secure service using the correct username/password credentials and received this message as well.
Same issue here... BUMB.
Error: Valid service credentials not fully specified
I'm also getting the same error, with Portal, trying to add an external, 'unsecure' webservice.
Portal seems to be confused with requiring a password to exit our forward proxy.
GET /arcgis/sharing/checkUrl.jsp?url=http%3A//maps.six.nsw.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/public/NSW_Imagery/MapServer%3Ff%3Djson&f=json HTTP/1.1
httpStatusMessage=HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required
If I supply my proxy credentials the request still fails.
Any ideas?
It seems you are trying to supply your proxy credentials. The only credentials that are supported are ArcGIS Server (Token based).
This issue is I shouldn't be asked for any credentials.
The site to be added is http
I was able to add your service:
as an item to ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS. Is it possible your organization is configured with SSL enabled (https)? In my testing, I was not able to add the service because it gets blocked by the browser as an insecure site. Your service would need to support SSL.