I made all my layers public on a web map and then made a web application using the web appBuilder. Now the Web appBuilder map cannot be accessed unless you sign in.
Not sure what happened, my map was working fine last week.
From my understanding, you made a public app with a public web map. All the layers inside the map are public too. You were able to access the app created by Web AppBuilder last week but not today. For trouble shooting, Could you let us know how you access the app, through your organizational url such as http://energy.maps.arcgis.com/ or by www.arcgis.com? if it is through your org, does the org allow anonymous access? If possbile, could you share the app url with us?
Here is my link, I am accessing through arcGis.com
David L. McMillan, P.L.S.
Senior Land Surveyor
Riverside County Surveyor’s Office
Geodetic & GIS Section
4080 Lemon St., 8th Floor | Riverside, CA 92501
Direct 951.955.6723 | General. 951.955.6700 | F. 951.955.6721
dmcmilla@rctlma.org<mailto:dmcmilla@rctlma.org>| http://rctlma.org/trans/Survey
Land urvey records are online! Click on the link below for access to our online Research Products
Here is my link to the Web AppBuilder map, I am accessing through arcGIS.com
Here is the link to the web map this one works fine, also through ArcGIS.com
We had this exact problem today. Our app over http:// worked properly yesterday and today it was requiring a login; while the underlying map was still publicly accessible. This only seemed to affect applications published with Web App Builder.
In your organizational account, have your administrator check security policies.
Configure security settings—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS
Try unchecking "Allow access to the organization through SSL only." This worked for us but understand the implications:
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) ensures that your organization's data as well as any temporary identification tokens that allow access to your data are encrypted during communications over the Internet. Turning on SSL may affect the performance of the site.
SSL is intended for organizations that only access their own content or for organizations that access their own content or content from other SSL organizations. It is also possible for an organization to enable SSL and have its users access additional non-HTTPS content from outside the organization. However, not all applications support consuming maps with mixed content, and this may result in a compromised user experience in the various map viewers.
If you enable SSL and want to publish hosted web layers from ArcGIS for Desktop, you need to add your organization to your list of portal connections (in the format https://<organization short name>.maps.arcgis.com). For more information, see Managing portal connections from ArcGIS for Desktop in ArcGIS Help.
Thanks for the info. We are looking into it.
This is a bug and we will fix it asap. The workaround is to enable "Allow anonymous access to your organization's website." We will keep you updated.
The public app sharing issue has been fixed. Could you let us know if it works for you?
Thanks, I was having the same problem, but it not anymore. Thanks for asking David.
Good to know. Thanks!