I'm evaluating arcGIS,
I have upload a geojson file and create a simple web map using arcGis Online.
I'm also developing an angular web-app application wich have a section where I would like to show to my users (users of my web-app, not related to arcGIS) the data contained in the geojson.
My angular web-app works fine but the map component keeps asking for credential before showing the web-map created in arcGIS Online.
I'm an "Creator" user with "Amministrator" privileges. I tryed to share my web-map created in arcGis Online but the option for public sharing is disabled: it says I don't have the right privileges.
My questions are:
1) How can I figure out what user type / role is needed to share my web-map
2) How or what I have to do to modify my privileges
3) Is this a privileges problem or it's due to something else?
Thank you.
If it is asking for credentials, it seems to me that there is something that still isn't shared publicly - can you check the dev tools to see if there is any indication in there?
Yes, the map is not shared public.
The button for sharing to public is grayed out. It says I don't have the privileges to share it outside my organizzation.
I would suggest getting in touch with your local Esri Distributor, they can investigate this further for you