My students have created ArcGIS Online Collections, and have been directed to use the 'Share' icon to create a short url for their collection, to add to their Resume, etc.
This example produces this link:
Which results in this 'error':
At first I thought it was the permissions, but when I copy the students 'Long URL' from the Collection:
It works perfectly fine.
All this was done using Mozilla Firefox, latest edition. 121.0.1 64 Bit on Windows 11.
Also Tried in the latest version of Chrome.
(IE and 'Edge' are not installed on my machine... because... why would they be?)
Saving/Re-saving, shutting down, etc. didn't work.
I tried searching for a solution but didn't find any.
Thanks for the help.
<EDIT> It should be noted that this only happened to 15% of my students, the rest worked</EDIT>
Gregory Lund
Don't know the solution to the collections share link, but you can always run the same utility it is 'supposed' to use and generate a valid short url.
{"status_code": 200, "status_txt": "OK", "data": { "long_url" : "", "url": "", "hash": "1rX0iK", "global_hash": "1rX0iK", "new_hash": 0 } }
And this part of it is the short link:
Just put the long URL after the longUrl= and submit. the short URL is after the "url:"
Great idea, I'll give this a try.
Still hoping to hear the diagnosis of the main issue, but this is a good fix (along with using the Long (copy/paste) URL, or bitly, for that matter.