I added the Microsoft Building Footprints - Features feature layer to my map in AGOL, which is a polygon feature layer. I know I can add an Arcade expression to get the square footage of a feature via AreaGeodetic($feature,'squarefeet'). However, it seems that in AGOL Map Viewer, I cannot configure a style on such so I can color the polygons based on numeric classes/ranges of square footage. Is this not possible?
It is technically possible, but the symbology profile executes per feature, and will probably not have enough information to determine the symbology range, etc:
You should look at the function Expects. This, however, will only work if the area is a field in the layer.
Speaking of where, where are you pulling these features from? I found a version of it on AGOL, and the Shape__Area field is an attribute available to symbolize on, so you don't even need Arcade for this.
Josh, shape_area does not reflect the area in sq ft. It is why I have to leverage the Arcade expression.
Also, it is unclear how Expects() will work. Can you please elaborate?