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send email when a feature is updated in ArcGIS Online Hosted Feature Service

12-08-2022 08:41 AM
Labels (2)
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

can someone let me know if it is possible to automatically generate an email when a field is updated in an ArcGIS Online feature service? One of my colleagues would like to be notified when workforce assignments created by them have been completed. The scenario: Jack inputs a workforce assignment when a member of the public submits a request (i.e. fill a pothole on my street). Sam goes out into the field, fills the pothole and then marks the assignment as complete. Now Jack would like to be notified so that he can let the member of the public know that the work is complete and close the file. We do NOT want Jack to receive emails when assignments that aren't created by him are marked as complete.

Ideally, I would like to be able to use web hooks (although, I don't currently own the workforce project so I don't believe I have the ability to set that up yet) or Microsoft Power Automate.

1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

Hi @Anonymous User


Any Solution about that?

I have the same question.




best regards

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