I've noticed this happen recently with an app I made in Web App Builder. In the screenshots here you'll see when I select these polygons, how generalized they are...even with a parcel that probably has 4 vertices! We published this service using ArcGIS Server, going to a server that has 10.6.1. I don't recall this ever being an issue with ArcGIS . Prior to publishing, I'm not seeing any options to configure a selection to generalize over a certain number of vertices (again, never had this issue until recently). Anyone else have this problem?
Dan, I reported this as well. Yes it's definitely an official bug with Server 10.61 and June 2018 AGOL update. They will be fixing it in the next AGOL and Server releases. I can't say more I think due to NDA except to say.. very "soon".
This will be updated tonight Pacific time. Give it a test tomorrow to confirm that its addressed for you.
So is this issue specific to AGS 10.6.1 services that are being used in Web App Builder apps in AGOL? I ask because I do not see this behavior in a Web App Builder app in AGOL that is consuming AGS 10.5.1 services.
I think this may be. Most of our apps are consuming 10.6 services, but I have one that is consuming 10.3 services, and I'm not seeing that behavior either.
Thanks Kelly...appreciate it!
Hi Kelly. I tested it this morning and looks like you have resolved the issue. Thanks so much!
Dan Hoffman And if you swap out API to 3.26 it will fix it for you in WAB too.