I am trying to label symbols in AGOL and I wrote this arcade but I can't remove time from date?
any suggestion.
"Owner of Scooter" + " : "+
+" Inspection Date : "+
Try converting the date to a string using the Text function.
Text($feature.CreationDate, 'Y-MM-DD')
This one doesn't give me the date
The function is "Text", not "Date".
Is there a way to get a 'Date' value that does not have time included?
Thank you,
Randy McGregor
This "removes" the time from a date field. (In actual fact it just resets it to 12:00:00pm but it serves the same purpose). Remember to put a '-1' after the month because January is 0.
var day = text($feature.DateOfRecord, 'DD')
var month = text($feature.DateOfRecord,'MM')
var year = text($feature.DateOfRecord,'YYYY')
var notimedate = date(year,month-1,day)
return notimedate