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Related Tables in Arcgisonline

02-19-2021 01:26 PM
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by Anonymous User
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I have a Parcel layer that includes zoning and a related table of zoning conditions.  I would like to add the count of zoning conditions and the conditions to my parcel layer popup.  I'm not sure where to start, any help would be appreciated.

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4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

It depends on how your layers are set up, but I like to use FeatureSetByPortalItem, as it is not dependent upon the second layer (in this case, zoning) actually being in the map.

Getting the count is simple enough, but getting the "conditions", which I assume means a list of the unique zoning types, is somewhat more complex, but still doable.

Count of Zoning Types


var yourPortal = Portal('your-portal-url') // This can be your org's AGOL url, too.

var zoning = FeatureSetByPortalItem(yourPortal, 'item-id-of-zoning-layer', 0)

var zones = Intersects($feature, zoning)
// Will grab any zoning shape which intersects with the given parcel, so alignment is critical.

return Count(zones)
// Returns the length of the 'zones' array, being the number of zoning features intersected.


As noted in the code, your alignment between layers will significantly impact the number of features returned by Intersects. In order to avoid false positives, it may be advisable to call "Buffer($feature, -5)" instead of "$feature", but test things out and see what results you get.

List of Zoning Types

Works the similarly to the code above, but uses the "zones" FeatureSet to assemble an output array.


var yourPortal = Portal('your-portal-url')

var zoning = FeatureSetByPortalItem(yourPortal, 'item-id-of-zoning-layer', 0)

var zones = Intersects($feature, zoning)

var zone_array = []
var zone_index = 0

for(var z in zones){
    zone_array[zone_index] = z.zoning_condition_field
// Adds the zoning condition of the given intersected feature to the zone_array object at the position zone_index
    ++ zone_index
// Ensures that if there are more than one zoning conditions, the next value is added at the next position in the list, otherwise the previous value would simple be overwritten

return zone_array


We use something like this to grab a parcel's intersected Flood Zones from FEMA's Flood Hazard Layer.


Of course, should you want the output array formatted a little more nicely, you could easily adjust your Arcade code to do that as well.

Example: Unique Floodway Zones with Count and Formatting


// Zones array
var z_arr = []
var z_ind = Number('0')

// Intersect feature and flood zones
var zones = Intersects($feature, FeatureSetByName($map,"USA Flood Hazard Areas"))

for (var z in zones){
    var zone = z.FLD_ZONE
    if (find(zone, z_arr)== -1){
// Only appends new value if it is not currently found in the index, i.e., no duplicates.
        z_arr[z_ind] = zone

var out_str = Count(z_arr) + ' Floodway Zones:'
// Includes count in same expression as a "heading" to the list.

for (var n in z_arr){
    out_str += '\n' + z_arr[n]

return out_str






So as you can see, it's not that complicated, but does require some more advanced Arcade.


- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
Frequent Contributor

This was a very helpful post, Josh.  Thank you for taking the time to post those examples. 

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Thank you for your help Josh, I forgot to come back in here and tell you that this worked perfectly!

MVP Esteemed Contributor

Great! Glad to hear it!

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS