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Related Table Selection Light Up on Map

10-02-2022 05:27 PM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Hi there,

I'm trying to see if there's a way (either through settings or Arcade) to have a selected row in a related table highlight the related feature on a web map. For example, when you open up the table for a feature class in AGOL and you select a row, the feature to which that row corresponds lights up as a blue square on the web map. However, let's say I open the related table of that feature class, and I select a row, the corresponding feature does NOT light up. Is there a way to make this happen, even programmatically? The primary data is being held in the related table, and users want to be able to select a row in the related table and see where the corresponding feature is on the map. I'm not sure if this is possible but thought I'd check. Thanks!

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