Hello there. I recently updated an AGOL web map to include more layers. I then went to "create web app" with the map. Then I coppied the `<iframe>` element provided by AGOL and inserted it into my html script. When I attempt to open this html script in my browser, the space where the iframe should be displays: "www.arcgis.com refused to connect."
As far as I can tell, the page was loading very well before, and seemingly the only difference was the updated map players. Also, when I load the provided url within the iframe by itself in the browser the map loads perfectly. It just doesnt work in my page. Any ideas as to why it now will not connect?
Thanks for your help!
I am running into the exact same issue with embedding a story map into an html document. I can embed other pages just fine but this one keeps refusing to connect.
not sure what the problem is but some help would be much appreciated
This is due the new browser limitation on Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)