I have a hosted feature layer that consists of river lines from the National Hydrography Dataset for a certain area. There are 287,993 line features.
I want to create a View that narrows this down to just a couple of rivers of interest.
When I set up the filter, I am not able to search some of the values. Some of them work and others don't; it just reports "Too many values to display"-- even though I have typed the exact code that I want to include.
It doesn't let me just enter something that I typed- it seems that I must select it from the drop-down list.
Also, when I am updating the View, I have to go back to Step 1 (Choose Layers) Tab before the Step 2 tab gives me the "+ Update" button.
I would really prefer to use a SQL Query instead of having to do one at a time. I have a river section defined by reachcode instead gnis_id, and there are 71 of those. Ridiculous to have to enter each as a separate filter.
A couple ideas:
In either case you'll want to create an attribute index due to the number of features involved.