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Publish from Pro results in empty AGOL feature service

08-17-2022 08:33 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Using Pro 3.1 and an up to date geodatabase, the overwrite web layer function results in an empty feature service. The data is a small (12 features/records) polyline feature class with attachments (3-6 .jpg files for each feature), and so it includes a table relationship. 

Feature service was successfully published using Pro 2.8 approx. 4 weeks ago and successfully overwritten 2 weeks ago. A second overwrite then resulted in an empty service with unhelpful 'data error' message when viewing Data under Item Details in AGO. Tried publishing the feature class to a new feature service, again resulting in empty data. Upgraded Pro to 3.1, but both overwriting and publishing a new feature service result in empty services. In Pro, the feature class has only single symbology applied, and the only changes have been to the attached files and the field aliases. 

What's especially confusing is that in AGO I can symbolize the empty feature service based on field values that can clearly be read and applied even though the attribute table is empty. The feature services are not publicly shared. 

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi cec5! There are a few things to check to better understand the scope of the issue:

  • Review other feature service data tables (in item details page) to see if the same 'data error' message displays
  • Did your ArcGIS Online Organization recently convert from a trial subscription to full subscription?
  • Are you able to query that data from the REST endpoint?

Please advise if you can answer yes to these questions. If so, please open up a support ticket via

If not, please attempt to publish another layer from Pro (from a different data set) and view the resultant data table (from the item details page in AGOL). Do you once again receive the 'data error' message?

Additionally, I recommend turning on Developer Tools and capturing web traffic in your browser session, while attempting to publish that new test layer. Technical Support can assist with these workflows, as well.

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