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Public Hub Site shows "this site is private" even when logged into administrator account

10-28-2020 11:44 PM
New Contributor

After changing a public hub site to https (accepting the https banner at the bottom), and saving the site, the site is accessible temporarily, then after a few minutes, whenever trying to access, the "This Site is Private: You need permission to view this site. If you think this is an error, check your URL or login credentials." page is displayed. I am logged in as the admin account for ArcGIS Online. When clicking "configure" or "view" from the content page, the same issue occurs. Open Data and Anonymous Access are turned on with the security settings. 

The site is here: ArcGIS Hub. I've been making minor changes on the site, and the only thing I can think of is that I've recently (an hour ago) changed the site's name, folder, and tags (re-branding my open data portal). 

Right before I started seeing this page, I reverted some minor changes on the site by discarding a draft, but it was just related to a gallery that I accidentally deleted some tags causing some apps to not show up. It worked in the editor, then when I went to preview, I got the "site is private" message. When I clicked the back button, the editor worked again. But, no matter what changes I made in the editor, the preview and another public (not logged into AGOL) view tab (on a different computer) would not get past the "this site is private" page. 

8 Replies
New Contributor

I just gave up and made a new site. Basically the old site seems to be bricked with some kind of permissions glitch that can't be reset from the front end.

Frequent Contributor

It looks like ESRI is having this issue again as of today.

New Contributor

We just noticed that we are experiencing this issue as well:


Regular Contributor

I am also seeing this issue today on multiple Hub sites.

Emerging Contributor

I am seeing this issue on my hub sites too. 

Frequent Contributor

Me, too.

Frequent Contributor

Our hub site is back up and running...

Frequent Contributor

We're back up as well.