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Prevent visitors from editing an AGO map

05-08-2013 12:09 PM
Deactivated User
I recently published a map in AGO and shared it on Facebook.  The map has one editable points layer coming from a feature class hosted in my ArcGIS Server 10.0.  After sharing the map on FB I saw that everyone who visited my map could edit and add features to the editable layer.

My goal is to share a map on FB that merely displays the data and does not allow visitors to edit it.  However, I also need the ability to edit the data myself via the ArcGIS app for Android.  So as I'm popping points, they appear in the shared map, but nobody who views the shared map can pop points.

I don't see an obvious way to do this.  Is it possible?  It seems that if you enable editing you enable it globally for anyone and everyone who pulls up the map.
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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Well, the feature service is publicly accessible, so it will always be editable by clients if they know the URL. I'm guessing you're posting a link to the map that opens it in the map viewer of, which exposes an edit button on the toolbar. Some ideas.

You can disable editing on the layer in the web map, through the layer context menu (eg where you set up popups, symbols, etc). This is not a permanent solution, as it can be enabled again thru the context menu easily by any user.

You can display the web map in one of the templates. Most of the templates don't expose editing operations.

You can host a map service on your arcgis server for viewing and use this as the viewing layer.

hope this helps,

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Occasional Contributor


You want to create two maps.

In the one map for public consumption you want to load only  MAPSERVICES as layers

This is an un-editable service. That map is published on FB

In the other map (for you to edit) you want to load the FEATURESERVICE or the FEATURE SERVICE & MAPSERVICE (Since feature services in v10.0 cannot handle the display capability for symbology that MAP SERVICES do)

If you don't give out that link to the Feature Service map then no-one should be able to get in and edit it.

If you're using AGO and have an account, you can also set the permissions on the map you create to NOT be for "everyone" and isolate the map to a group that is not "open" to even users with AGO accounts

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