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Preset Terms of Use property (Overview page)

03-26-2020 10:27 AM
Occasional Contributor

In your ArcGIS Online Organization item Overview page there is a Terms of Use property you can populate. Many government agencies have "approved" disclaimer text for their GIS services and/or data. Is there a way to have this property populated with your "approved" disclaimer text whenever you create a new item in your AGOL organization. I know we are several settings that affect the entire AGOL organization content (for example, Geocoder order). I just have not located this property as being preset. Thanks in advance of your response.

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Esri Contributor

Hi Greg Johnson‌,

Have a look into utilising an Information Banner, see Configure security settings—ArcGIS Online Help | DocumentationThe banner appears on the Home, Gallery, Map Viewer, Scene Viewer, Groups, Content, and Organization pages.


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