Happy new year all,
I have a question that someone may be able to assist with, but it is a long shot. If you edit the pop-ups in AGOL, and have to upload new/updated data, is there a way to preserve your pop-ups? As an alternative, should the pop-ups instead be edited in Pro? If you edit them in Pro, will that be reflective in your pop-ups in AGOL?
How are you updating new data? If you use the Append tool in Pro to only add new values to the Hosted Layer, it should not affect your pop-up.
You can make a hosted feature layer view (https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/arcgis-online/mapping/introducing-the-new-create-and-updat... and configure the pop-up for it. Then, when you overwrite the original hosted feature layer the view is based on, the view will preserve the pop-up & symbology that you configured.
The Popup that configurated via Fields list, as long as the field name has not been changed the updated in the hosted feature layer does not effect the Popups which have already been configurated.