I have a text field in a feature service that should read "20% to counties with populations > 100K, 20% to counties with a population < 100K." When viewing the table of the feature service in a Map Viewer, this value shows correctly. However, when adding this text to a pop-up box, it shows up as "20% to counties with populations > 100K, 20% to counties with a population 10K," removing the less than sign and one of the zeros in the last value. I can't figure out why it would rewrite the value like that or how to fix it.
Can you provide some more details on how you're adding this? I've put that phrase into a field in a feature layer and used that in a text element. I also put that phrase directly into a text element. Neither of them is showing that issue
Nice testing!
I see you got a response in the Esri Community. It may help users to investigate further if you provide a screen capture, and detailed steps in configuring your pop-up. Users can reproduce more closely in this matter.
Hope it helps.