Order Layer Problem - Table of Contents

11-17-2011 07:02 AM
Occasional Contributor II
I am trying to create an arcgis.com online map with congressional districts from my arcgis server as the top layer and then cancer mortality rates mapped thematically with county or state polygons from a different arcgis server service.

If I add congressional districts first, they appear.

then I add county rates, they go on top.

If I go into the Table of Contents and move the congressional districts back to the top, they don't really move to the top in my map.

any suggestions?

James Cucinelli
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20 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
I can't reproduce this. Can you share your web map with everyone and post the URL to it here?


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New Contributor III
Did you get this resolved? I have also noticed that the order in the table of contents does not reflect the draw order. For example, I have a point layer at the top of my table of contents and a line layer at the very bottom.  The lines draw on top of the points.  What is interesting though - - it draws correctly if the map is viewed on a mobile device (smart phone, iPad, etc.).  When viewed on a desktop (doesn't matter what browser, IE and Firefox do the same), the draw order doesn't match the table of contents.
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Occasional Contributor II
I never got this resolved. And I just found more errors. New Post to come soon.
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New Contributor III
I'm kind of curious...are you using only map services? Have you tried uploading zipped shapefiles?  I've noticed that the draw order in the table of contents is not recognized when I use map services, but it seems to be ok if we use uploaded shapefiles.  We need to use map services because our data changes so often, so I hope Esri can fix this.
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Esri Notable Contributor

Can you share your map and post the URL to it here?


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New Contributor III
Here is a link to the map: 
This map is using our map services.  As you can see, the trails are at the bottom of the table of contents, but they are drawing on top of our point layers.
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New Contributor III
I wanted to add just a little more information about this unusual draw order behavior.  With regard to my trail map posted above, the last two linear layers are the Nature Trails and the Swamp Rabbit Trail.  The Nature Trails are drawing underneath the point layers as they should, but the Swamp Rabbit Trail is the one that is drawing on top of everything.  If I move the Nature Trails down in the table of contents, then move the Swamp Rabbit layer back down, then move the Nature Trails down again, and repeat that cycle several times, eventually my Swamp Rabbit Trails are drawn under my point layers.  Save map... Close map... Open map.  Swamp Rabbit is drawing on top of everything again.  It's just strange so I thought I would point it out.  Perhaps it might help with troubleshooting and solving the problem.
Thanks again,
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Esri Notable Contributor

Your problem appears to be a bug. This should be fixed when we update the website in a few weeks. As a workaround, you might try explicitly add the layers in the order you want to appear, bottom to top, rather than trying to arrange the order later. I've not tried this with the number of layers you have, however...


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New Contributor III
Thank you, Mike.  The trails layer was the first layer I had brought in, but I know I had rearranged some of the point layers after they were added to the map.  I recreated the map as you suggested, bringing in each layer in the order I want them to draw so I didn't have to rearrange any of the layers.  The map seems to be drawing correctly now.  I'll just have to remember not to move around any of the layers! 🙂

When the fix comes out in a few weeks, will it fix maps that already exist?  Will I be able to move the layers around in this map and other maps that I have already created?  Or will the fix only apply to maps created after the bug is fixed?

During the process of recreating this map, I also noticed that I couldn't change the symbology on any of the layers once I set unique symbology on the trails.  As long as I kept the default colors/lines for the unique symbology, everything was ok.  After I selected my own colors and line thicknesses for the trails, I could no longer change the symbology of the other layers in my map.  I found a work around - - I just had to make sure that all of my symbology (single symbols) was set the way I wanted it before I created any unique symbology. 

Thanks again,
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