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Open Data Final Release Date?

06-26-2014 03:31 AM
Frequent Contributor
Hi.  I recently saw a post that said the final release of the Open Data app is "due out soon."  That is great news.  But does anyone know what "soon" means?  Even just a broad date range or quarter would be helpful in my work planning.  Thanks.
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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor
I received an email titled "ArcGIS Online - What's Coming" that said that the next ArcGIS Online update is planned for the week of July 2, 2014.  The note included a section indicating that Open Data would be released during this update. 

So, the answer to your question is probably something like "probably pretty soon, if things go according to plan."

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Frequent Contributor
That's great to hear.  Thank you.  I've been waiting for information about the next release but hadn't seen it yet.
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by Anonymous User
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Hi Mary,

We are targeting a final release of ArcGIS Open Data to be in the second week of July, after the ArcGIS Online release.

Hope that helps,
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