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Offline Map Area recreation issues

09-16-2022 03:31 PM
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor

When trying to recreate an offline area, on occasion the package will fail. 

Instead of saying "Failed" and allowing me to retry, the offline area sometimes stays in a perpetual state of "packaging". This means that the area has to be deleted and a new area added - very problematic when you have a large team using these offline maps, resulting in them having to delete and redownload map areas. 

For reference;

- The initial "Creation" of the offline area works without issue

- The area will often have no issue being "Updated" or "Recreated" multiple times

- It's an isolated and seemingly random problem, with other offline map areas in the same map set updating/recreating as required


I've posted this before, but got little response and it is an ongoing (albeit sporadic) issue -

If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated, as it has a large impact on our fieldworkers.

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In ArcGIS Online go to create offline map areas. Prior to hitting create, open the browser developer tools and go to the network tab. Hit create. 

You will begin to see requests to setup the map area. Then requests to check the update of the job. Look for the repeated request as the map is packaging.



If you open one of these up, and remove the f=json... from the end of the URL request, you can see a more informative update on where job is up to and why it ultimately fails. e.g. URL looks like:



Click on 'packages' to see more on the results. Should give you something to work with. Common reasons you will encounter are:

  • Map has layers added twice. SQLite database does not support this as it creates duplicated table names in the map package. Remove the additional layers and use Hosted Feature Layer Views as necessary
  • The service has transformations that are not supported

 If it's something else like one of the above reasons you should get something more informative. Feel free to post it here. If it's some random issue like a 503 indicating an internal server error, could be tied to a field name, corrupted layer/view or Esri issue. I'd be reaching out to support. Not aware of any reason a layer would fail sporadically unless it's workflow related.

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