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New fields not available to be turned on in a view's "Update View" settings

05-19-2022 06:23 AM
Labels (2)
Regular Contributor

I added new fields to a feature service; however, the fields do not appear in the view's "Update View" configuration in the view's Settings tab. The new fields are available in one of my views but not in the others. I found this article:, but my issue is that the new fields are not on the list of fields to be turned on (see solution/work around step 5).

What could be causing it? Thank you!

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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I comment to keep your question up.


I have the same issue.

It happens randomly, e.g. I have 1 hosted layer and 4 view created at the same time. One of these doesn't show the new field, so I can't update it.

I can't update my app because I need that field.

I sometime solve by creating a new view but in this case I just can't do it!

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Regular Contributor

Thank you for your comment! Like your view, my view layer is increasingly becoming referenced by apps, maps, and scripting programs that having to recreate a new view can cause gaps and issues.

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