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Map logo manipulation

04-28-2014 03:08 AM
Emerging Contributor
I have some questions about placing a logo on a map application. In the General Settings section for configuring I have added the url for the jpg logo. The image was placed in the lower right corner of the map. There doesn???t seem to be any options for resizing or moving the logo. To resize I ended up creating a smaller version of the image and changing the url entry.
Is there any flexibility in logo placement or sizing. If so, it would be great to have a link to that information.
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Esri Notable Contributor
I assume you're talking about one  of the web application templates. Many have configuration options that you can interactively adjust. However, I don't believe sizing and positioning of the logo is one of them. What you could do is download the source code for the application, make modifications, then host it on your own web server.


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