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Link in excel sheet to specific area in ArcGIS Online

02-06-2024 01:27 AM
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New Contributor

I have an Excel sheet with many parcels (approximately 300). The same surfaces are also available in ArcGIS Online and have a common ID with the ones in the excel sheet.

Now I want to insert a link in Excel for each parcel so that when you click on it, ArcGIS Online opens and zooms directly to the respective parcel.

Is that somehow possible?

Unfortunately, I have no experience with Python.

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MVP Regular Contributor

Have a look at this blog article about using URL parameters with ArcGIS Online's Map Viewer:

Under your web map settings, there's a section named "Enable Search".  If you enable searching on your parcel layer so that you can use your ID field, then use the "find" URL parameter with your IDs, your map should open directly to the parcels (and open a pop-up for the feature).  You may want to use the "level" parameter to tweak the scale that the map opens at as well.

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