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Line-objects is displayed wrong in Map Viewer (difference between Map Viewer and Map Viewer Classic for the same WebMap)

09-08-2022 01:47 AM
Labels (3)
Occasional Contributor


I have created a WebMap in ArcGIS Pro where I connect to a FeatureServer and publishing a WebMap to ArcGIS Online.

The FeatureServer contains both pointObjects and lineObjects.

When I display the WebMap in Map Viewer Classic all seems to be correct. But when I display the WebMap in Map Viewer the lineObjects are all wrong. Se the attached images.

I use the same coordinate system (wgs) for both FeatureServer layer and the baseMap layer.

This gives me problem when I want to use the WebMap in a ArcGIS Dashboard when the lineObjects is not displaying correctly.

MapViewer Classic (Correct display of lineObjects)



MapViewer (Not displaying lineObjects correctly)



Appreciates any solutions or tips to this problem 🙂


Regards Lars


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5 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Very strange... Can you check the spatial index  of the feature service and try rebuilding it?

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
Occasional Contributor

Hi @jcarlson 

Thanks for the tips, I'm quite new to ArcGIS so I do not understand the problem.

But for me it does not make sense that the lines are displayed differently in Map Viewer Classic vs. Map Viewer. The data should be displayed similarily in the two solutions and I get a problem when I'm using the MapLayer in Dashboard because the lines are displayed all wrong.

The problem might be in the transformation though. When I open a map in ArcGIS Pro I get the error message attaced "Transformation warning A datum transformation cannot be found. The data may draw with an offset".

I have gone through the properties and the spatial references in ArcGIS Pro, but I cannot see something wrong. I have attached images of the properies of the Map, both the FeatureMapLayer and the BaseMapLayer

Can you please check this out and give me some tips.

Appreciate it

Regards Lars

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Esri Notable Contributor

Can you share the layer and map?

Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately I cannot share the layer or the map because it contains sensitive information for electical transmission lines and components for the company Im working for.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Would recommend then submitting a support ticket but sample data would make debugging the issue much faster.